Before taking an insurance policy, it is important that one considers a number of crucial factors to avert losses or regrets. The insurance industry is undergoing exponential growth compared to earlier years. In most
countries, the middle class is growing rapidly. Such people have spending power. By the time a person reaches 35 years of age, barring other eventualities, there is a profound sense of the need to prepare for a future devoid of employment and concomitant income. Insurance companies fill this gap. Despite this, it is imperative that one understands what he or she is committing to before taking an insurance cover.
To begin with, one needs to fully comprehend what exactly they want for the future. Insurance is primarily meant to cushion one during unexpected events. It is also a form of saving for one's future and that of children. Consequently, one needs to have a clear idea of their need for a policy. For example, there are insurance policies covering children's education. Some policies cater for the beneficiary after retirement from active employment. Unless one has a well-defined plan in place, insurance will be a disappointing venture. It is imperative, therefore, to gather relevant information on the policy you are interested in, before making a decision.
Second, before taking any insurance policy one needs to consider whether he or he can finance it. Never forget that you are the beneficiary, but also the contributor. Insurance companies are saving money for you for another day, when you will need it most. Why then should you buy a cover which you cannot finance based on your income base? Remember that you will pay the premium as well as regular installments. Bear in mind that in some cases, the amount you will pay will depend on some criteria. In life insurance, for example, the amount you pay depends on your current health status, your lifestyle, age and profession, among other factors.
Finally, insurance is an industry that has its language and terminology that you need to understand. Do not rush to sign on the dotted line unless you understand what you are committing yourself to. If you are not conversant with insurance or financial matters, enlist the aid of a friend who does. You may also consult an expert. Read through the document several times. Ask for clarification, where necessary. Only when you are sure you understand all the stipulations, especially on your contributions and benefits, should you take an insurance policy.
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